The Command Line -1 : Introduction to Shell

What is shell ?

When it comes to command line, it is basically the shell.The shell is like middle-man which takes input from keyboard and passes the inputs i.e commands to the operating system to perform the assigned work for the user.
Every Linux distribution has a shell from GNU Project called bash.

What is bash ?
bash stands for "Bourne Again SHell" it is just a replacement of sh, and it was originally written for UNIX by Steve Bourne.

How does the shell works ?
Most of the Linux Distro ships with GUI i.e  Graphical User Interface and in order to to communicate with the operating system we need a terminal emulator to interact with the shell.
You may have encountered these emulators in the form of Gnome-terminal or konsole and these are named as terminal in your distro. You can access them by shortcut keyboard keys by holding
shift+alt+t or super-key+t both works depending on your distro. You can also access the main terminal i.e ttyl  which is basically a non-gui look for your system. You can access it by holding
ctrl+alt+f1 or ctrl+alt+f6  these will open login prompt to access your session for the further work.
To exit it hold alt+f1 or alt+f7.

Some tips for terminal:
To copy from terminal : ctrl+shift+c
To paste on terminal    : ctrl+shift+v
To end the terminal session : ctrl+d

That's the basic introduction of Command Line,
Next Tutorial on the way..

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