Linux Command Line : An Introduction

What is Command Line ?

Command Line in Linux is the way to interact with your operating system in a professional way and basically it is Non-GUI (Graphical User Interface). Using Command Line one can easily perform some intensive task and other stuffs more faster than the GUI.

Why to use Command Line ?

This something which seems common among many Linux user's but to be frank a good knowledge of Linux Command Line gives you an edge over many other software developers during interview.
Whenever i use Command Line while working my friends think i am doing something big like hacking.When comes to hacking then Command Line is must.Learning Command Line not only makes you superior than others but also helps you to land a good job. 

So ,how to learn Command Line ?

There are many free and paid resources and books but reading and entire books that is something we do but we never complete . So i will post regularly a Command Line Tutorial on this blog.

If you want learn the Command Line do subscribe my blog and follow me on twitter.

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